Yamba Abaana recently received new sponsors for a Rubanda child, and the new sponsors have graciously allowed us to share their happy words on becoming a part of the Yamba Abaana family.

“Dear Father Dominic and Robert,

Thank you sooooo much for your e-mail letting us know about our new daughter, E! We are thrilled to be able to sponsor E.
As you know, our lifelong and dear friend, Bruce Murray, has kept us informed about the astounding success your Rubanda school is making. It is heartwarming for us to be a part of your efforts in helping these young children thrive in your progressive and supportive environment.
However E was chosen for us, it is particularly meaningful as E was my mother’s name. And my mother was a strong, bright, competitive, and extraordinarily kind woman; someone I would easily have called “a winner”. Despite the miles separating us, your letter revealed information about E that has enabled us to feel an instant familiarity and bond! It is a privilege for (sponsor) and me to be able to participate in E’s success.
Take care as you carry on with these children who have been blessed with your guidance and commitment.”