“Keep praying and trusting in God. He is never too late nor tired on us.”

-Father Dominic

After nearly two years apart today our school community came back together for the first time since March of 2020. The excitement is palpable, with both teachers and students thrilled to be back to in person learning!  The Reopening of Rubanda Solidarity School is being coordinated closely with directives put forth by the Uganda Ministry of Education.  In preparation for the students return, staff has developed an extensive transitional plan with emphasis on social and psychological support which will be woven throughout our “Three Pillars” approach to Learning (Spiritual, Life Skills, Academics).

Keeping students and staff health is a majority priority and our Head Teacher and School Nurse are closely monitoring the reopening and are providing a daily COVID-19 report to the school district.

Over 250 students have safely returned and even with the strict safety protocols in place the children and staff are making time for some fun!  Please check back here for the latest updates on Rubanda Solidarity School as we enter the next phase of learning for our remarkable school community and thank you so much for your support!