2018 Drought Season Report

[Ed. note: Recently, Peace Uwimana, the Yamba Abaana USA representative at the Rubanda Solidarity School, sent us the following report on the drought, its effects on the region and how the impact on the school has been affected by recent improvements in agriculture,...
Our Trip to Rubanda Week Three

Our Trip to Rubanda Week Three

Written by Dan Bedard Our preparation for our next adventure was about to begin, but before we could go to Kibeho Fr. Dominic needed to get a few things done. Kibeho was in our eye sight. Kibeho was the site that the Blessed Mother appeared to 3 teenagers in the 80’s...
Grace Notes for Rubanda Solidarity School

Grace Notes for Rubanda Solidarity School

by Bruce Murray, M.D.,Yamba Abaana Board member and co-founder The power of love and compassion was on full display recently in Grants Pass, OR. For the purpose of raising awareness and donations for Yamba Abaana, Grace Pitzak and her family hosted a wonderful event...
Our Trip to Rubanda: Week Two

Our Trip to Rubanda: Week Two

  Written by Dan Bedard I was awakened by the cousin of the rooster in Kampala. This time just a little earlier. Fr. Dominic’s home is beautiful. It reminded me of when I was in Panama. Tropical layout. Very open. Walking outside, I was met with a view of an open...