Our Trip to Rubanda: Week Two

Our Trip to Rubanda: Week Two

  Written by Dan Bedard I was awakened by the cousin of the rooster in Kampala. This time just a little earlier. Fr. Dominic’s home is beautiful. It reminded me of when I was in Panama. Tropical layout. Very open. Walking outside, I was met with a view of an open...

Our trip to Uganda, Week One : The Journey

First in a series by Daniel Bedard who traveled with Fr. Dominic Tumusiimie to Rubanda, Uganda, and Fr. Dominic. Today’s post is mainly written by Dan. Like all trips, a sense of adventure always comes into play especially when you leave for a month. For Fr....

New Pictures from Rubanda (AUG ’16)

Thanks to our good friend Peace, we recently received some new pictures showing some of the new construction in action, and the happy smiles of the children of Rubanda Solidarity School. Thanks to our good friend Peace, we recently received some new pictures showing...

Engaging Students with Global Vision

One of the reasons that I accepted a job offer from Kent State University was that the vision put forth by our University President, Dr. Beverly Warren, was to both improve the university’s global competitiveness and engage our students in real life experiences that...