by Peace Uwimana, Yamba Abaana USA representative in Rubanda


We are very grateful for we have come to the beginning of new the term and we are all okay. This term began on September 14, 2018 and it will end on December 03, 2018.

So far the term is going on well. We have rain and the dust has cleared in the school compound. We thank all parents and guardians for taking good care of our students while they were home for holidays. All students and staff members have reported and everything is going on well.

As Rubanda Solidarity, we were blessed with Kindle technology in the recent past which has contributed much to children’s education and has improved the reading culture of all the learners in the different class levels. We owe infinite thanks to our great donors who thought wisely about this technology and donated it to us. A great significant change has been seen over the years we have been introduced to this modernized era of reading at Rubanda Solidarity.


We were blessed with 57 kindles which are all being used by all students and staff from Rubanda solidarity nursery and primary school. All these kindles are still working well. However most of their chargers broke while others no longer function. Currently, we have 5 working chargers used to charge all these kindles.

It has been recognized that this kind of technology has created a significant impact and below is a sharing about how impactful these kindles have been to the school;

Kindles/E-readers have improved on both English speaking and reading culture which was not a common culture with in the school before.

From the interaction I always make with students, different students are so grateful for this innovation that has brought a lot of joy to these children through reading very interesting stories from these kindles.

The children have acquired significant knowledge through through the different books and reading materials that they access on these kindles.

All students appreciate Yamba Abaana USA so much for their generous donation of these kindles.  It has been always a wish for students to also have Ugandan books on these kindles but this is impossible because most of Ugandan books are not online, the publishers think that once their books are put online, it may be a way of limiting their market.

On these photos below, these are some of our youngest students but they also enjoy beautiful pictures from their kindles and they know how to come to them. They love these kindles so much. When their teachers are teaching them about using kindles, they don’t want to go for a break time and no one makes noise.

These images show Rubanda Solidarity students enjoying their Kindle.


Once again we thank God so much for using Yamba Abaana USA to support the Kindle project to our school. Our students are extremely happy and extend their appreciation to all our supporters for the good work they always do for us. We all pray that God may bless you so much.