December sixteen, Yamba Abaana Uganda (YAUG), held its fifth annual assembly. The assembly took place at the premises of Rubanda Solidarity school. It was of its kind since its launch, five years ago as it had its highest attendance and jovial moments.

The objective of the YAUG is to bring together students, parents, friends and the community members participating in the organization to meet, share, evaluate, plan and celebrate. Its a time to renew each other’s spirit of community development and commitment through active participation in the association and Rubanda Solidarity. The main focus of the assembly is on quality education for children. Its also an opportunity for continuous community awareness and brainstorming moments to both students, parents and the community on how to work harder for a better tomorrow and a better society. It encourages both parents and students struggling to educate and study within their meager resources and hard poverty.

YAUG works in partnership with YAUS (Yamba Abaana US). The two separate and unique organizations have something in common. YAUG was born out of the need to strengthen hope to the vulnerable children through sponsorship program for quality education. It endeavors to support families through sponsorship contribution rendered to their children.

Children in Rubanda are the most disadvantaged group in the community. When YAUG was started in 2010, a year later YAUS was born with a goal to offer support to YAUG. We are very grateful to the YAUS for jumping on our bus and to Fr. Dominic for giving the rid to Rubanda.

To all of you, our generous supporters, and to all people of good will, thank you so much for all you have been doing and continue to do. All these children you see in the pictures below are full of pride and passion for the future. Because you have provided it to them and they feel they have it in their hands. Together we have created it and together continue to nourish until it bears fruit. And the fruit is new life. We totally believe that things will never be the same for these children and their families. May God reward you abundantly.

Please, continue to walk with us through these pics and our websites.

Dec. 19-2014: These are some of the children, parents and visitors in attendance of the fifth Yamba Abaana annual assembly

Parents have designed a new sweater for the uniform of Yamba Abaana Association. The green sweater design was a results of one of their assembly discussion,

Parents and children brainstormed about family relationships and the goal of Yamba Abaana

A speaker brainstorms discusses the values of quality education and child care