Yamba Abaana means “Help the Children” and there are a myriad of ways that you can make a difference in the life of a child by helping support their journey at Rubanda Solidarity School.

Yamba Abaana is a small  501(c)3 non-profit organization created for the purpose of supporting the Rubanda Solidary School in Rubanda, Uganda.  All funds raised are tax deductible under the direct supervision of our Board of Directors.

There are many ways to help including:

  • Individual child sponsorships: $360 will support one child for an entire year including costs of food, clothing, scholastic materials, health and sanitation needs, and support of community volunteer teachers. You will receive biographical information and regular updates on your child’s progress.
  • Unrestricted donations: Other donations will be used for new solar power capacity, improving the clean water supply, maintaining and improving the new computer lab, purchase of new materials and specific projects such as mosquito net replacement.

Donation Form w logo 2017-1 to donate and thank you for your support!